[SOLVED] Would like minimal install with CLI only

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I imagine this question may have been asked before but some searching hasn't found it. Would be happy to be pointed in the right direction with a link or search string.

I use ArcoLinux installed from the B iso and love it. It's my favorite distro. (I have 4 distros installed currently for various purposes such as testing software.) I would like to do a separate install, a minimal one without desktop if possible, for the sole purpose of running an audio app. This app currently runs on ArcoLinux with XFCE desktop as well as a minimal Ubuntu Server install I have, so it can be installed and run fine on ArcoLinux, and no GUI is no problem. I'd like as few other running processes as possible, particularly no GUI/desktop, to get the cleanest sound from this app. I would need a network connection, so at least a way to select/add the appropriate network interface during installation would be necessary.

Would an ArcoLinux install be an appropriate way to achieve this? If so, would -B or -D be best (or would either be fine)?

Thanks in advance,

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We already have a CLI - it is called archinstall

and explained in these videos

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Thanks for the quick response. Enjoyed the video. Now to go play around. :)
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Just to report back, I went through an installation with archinstall a couple of times, but it threw some grub errors and I was unable to boot into it. (I didn't want to use another bootloader because I am multibooting and the other distros use Grub, so I'd like to stay consistent.) Perhaps another time I will go back and see whether I can figure out what I did wrong, but in this case I was a bit impatient to install the music player app and have a listen. ;) I was happy to find another video you did about the ArcoLinuxD/ArcoPro iso and its installation options. So I used the familiar graphical install, then ran the included back-to-arch script.

The music player app is installed, works perfectly, and sounds great! My gratitude for making it fast and easy for me to accomplish what I wanted.
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And last one from me on this topic. Tried the archinstall script again, and whether it was the fact that I updated the script before using it, or just did a better job with the selections this time, it worked perfectly. Including various utilities, plus my player app and its dependencies, a grand total of 247 packages.

Thank you again, Erik, for getting me interested in learning about Arch and helping to persuade me to try archinstall.

Also wanted to mention that I’ve been using refind for years and like the fact you’re now making it available as a bootloader selection on the isos.
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great news
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