[SOLVED] Sardi Flat Icon for Zotero

As you know, our distro uses the Sardi and Surfn icons. Here you can apply for an icon if it is not yet available. Do not expect miracles and wait for your question to be taken into account.
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Joined: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:14 pm

Hello together,
Some month ago I noticed the folder of Sardi Flat Icons contains the wrong icon for the program Zotero. The icon in the named folder belongs to a different icon style. I created a icon by myself but everytime when I update my system I have to replace my own icon with the default one. Now I want to change that and also to share my icon with the community. How can I send you the data of my I so that you can place it in the data of the Sardi Icon package?

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This is the website to report it and to share it

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