[OPEN] Hyprland laptop brightness keys for amdgpu laptop

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recruit crewman
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I installed hyprland from arcolinux install and found out that brightness keys are not operating. I have installed hyprland before through arch installer and added the xf86monbrightnessup (and down) keys with brightnessctl set commands so added those lines after deactivate the original set keys after installing brightnessctl.

Brightnessctl is working at command line but same setup with keys (bind = , xf86monbrightnessup brightnessctl set +5%) are not working. The scrips in arcolinux's hyprland config directory uses backlight and after some research, backlight works with intel gpus. I might be wrong as i'm a noob in such things but wanted to mention about this. Would appreciate with any insight or help. Thank you.
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that is normal

it is up to you to see what works

depends on hardware
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must have been asked before

here is your solution

Learn, have fun and enjoy.
But first use the power of the Arch Wiki
use the tutorials on https://www.youtube.com/erikdubois
then use the power of google
then use the power of our moderators.
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