[SOLVED] Update issues with my own Hyprland setup

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I've managed to get myself into quite the pickle over updating my Hyprland install.

I started getting warnings about conflicting packages during updates and eventually I had to make an entry to ignore hyprutils-git in pacman.conf just to allow the rest to update.

I'm now getting more warnings and they seem to base around having both "standard" and "-git" versions of files. If these conflict you cannot remove one to allow the other to update since they all claim dependencies on different things.

Currently this is what I see when I try to update:

Code: Select all

looking for conflicting packages...
:: hyprutils-0.2.3-1 and hyprutils-git-0.2.3.r3.gfd4be8b9-1 are in conflict. Remove hyprutils-git? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by hyprland-git
:: removing hyprutils-git breaks dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by aquamarine-git
:: removing hyprutils-git breaks dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by hyprcursor-git
My next idea was: what if I remove hyprutils-git and leave hyprutils, but then I see this:

Code: Select all

sudo pacman -R hyprutils-git
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing hyprutils-git breaks dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by aquamarine-git
:: removing hyprutils-git breaks dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by hyprcursor-git
:: removing hyprutils-git breaks dependency 'hyprutils-git' required by hyprland-git
So on the face of it I'm stuck either way :o

I've been following a https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/unable- ... 1-64/38178 which seems to show the same thing, but none of the solutions in there have worked for me.

Does anyone have any great ideas?
Last edited by muttley on Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Use only ArcoLinux packages!!

Option 1: re-install with current AAG isos from Seedhost
Option2: remove any repo that is not in our /etc/pacman.conf and remove any related packages you tried and only install our packages

This is what we use to have a working hyprland

- archlinux-logout-git
- arcolinux-alacritty-git
- arcolinux-hyprland-git
- arcolinux-kitty-git
- arcolinux-powermenu-git
- arcolinux-pywal-cache-git
- arcolinux-rofi-git
- arcolinux-rofi-themes-git
- arcolinux-wayland-app-hooks-git
- arconet-xfce
- grim
- hyprcursor-git
- hyprland-git
- hyprlang-git
- hyprutils-git
- hyprwayland-scanner-git
- kitty
- lxappearance
- mako
- micro
- pamixer
- picom
- pulsemixer
- rofi-lbonn-wayland
- swaybg
- thunar
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-volman
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- waybar-git
- wofi
- xfce4-terminal

That is the list from Calamares which you can find online.
https://github.com/arconetpro/arconet-c ... yland.yaml
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Thanks very much for your reply, I will bear that all in mind.

After too many years of experience in the IT industry to relate I generally assume that this sort of thing is "my fault" in as much as its ultimately down to user error rather than some sort of shortcoming in the code that is being used. Nothing wrong with user error of course: as long as we can all gain from other's mistakes (in this case, most likely, mine!).

So if and when I get this sorted I will keep this updated in the hope that someone can learn from it.

The packages you mention being the "official" ones refer to the "-git" packages, so hyprutils-git rather than hyprutils.

I tried removing hyprutils to sort out my conflict but I got this:

Code: Select all

error: target not found: hyprutils
I'm missing something there.

What seems most likely is that at some stage I've installed something which itself installed the conflicting dependencies so I will double check to see if that might be the cause.
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As an update to the above: I've now got things sorted!

Firstly I went round uninstalling anything that looked dodgy: which was not much. I had put on a dialler for a VPN service which I could not get working so I removed that.

I then installed pamac and updated the packages that I could one by one until I had only conflicting packages left.

That left me with only a few issues left.

Finally I accepted the option to remove "xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland" which I suspected was part of the issue but had previously been to scared to remove. I then rebooted and all was well with the world, and my installation. I now have no packages left to update and no further errors on attempting to update.

Interestingly I did look at orphaned packages in pamac and it reported that hyprutils was orphaned: but as I can't seem to remove it and everything is now working again I'll leave things as they are.
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great to hear you figured it out
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use the tutorials on https://www.youtube.com/erikdubois
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