[OPEN] Audio is a complete mess. What do I do next?

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recruit crewman
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:59 pm

I've installed ArcoPlasma on my Framework 16 (AMD) laptop. I want to use Pipewire audio. I've tried to switch over to it. At first I lost my microphone. When trying to fix it (by switching to PulseAudio) I've ended up with only Dummy Output in `pavucontrol`.

What can I tell you to help diagnose and fix this mess?
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I have no knowledge in that domain as everything just works out of the box.

Do a reinstall and use the default settings.

Then read the Arch Linux pages on sound/mics etc... but also the pages of your hardware - arch wiki neovo or arch wiki dell or ... you get the picture
not all hardware is that easy to set up for Linux
Learn, have fun and enjoy.
But first use the power of the Arch Wiki
use the tutorials on https://www.youtube.com/erikdubois
then use the power of google
then use the power of our moderators.
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