Backstory: I raided DT's wallpaper collection for the subset I liked best. I also did a search for photos of particular themes and added them to the overall collection. Then I got excited making themes based on their palettes, as well as for some of my old photos.
These are selected from the initial run while I concentrated on that wallpaper collection. I themed Bumblebee-status and Polybar using the same palettes. I used Themix to set base palettes for Lxappearance, and tweaked them with a color picker.
Since then, I've discarded DT's collection and did a series of gradients using tones picked from named colors, or hue ranges, and mix and match with photos I've manipulated in G'mic and Gimp. Because I've now covered such a range of tone sets, making new themes is nearly redundant. There is perfection, and there is perfect adequacy. Because the DT collection is gone, the location variables are obsolete, so editing them for a more neutral and balanced positioning is the project underway atm.
These are the older themes in my Gitlab
A Sample of Rofi Themes
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