[QUESTION] Systemd-boot on ALCI scripts.

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recruit crewman
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I want to add systemd-boot to Alci. I've tried to adapt EndeavourOS ISO build scripts, but some parts of it are much beyond my ability, specially what I think is a creation of an EFI image to be "flashed" in the ESP partition.
Now that we can choose systemd-boot into Arcolinux ISOs (openSUSE Tumbleweed also made this very same movement), are there any plans to have it also in Alci scripts?
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It is not on my planning.
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Adding systemd-boot support into ALCI wasn't difficult to do.

Look at the config here https://github.com/arcolinux/arco-calam ... stemd.conf

Put that into your own alci-calamares-config package in your own github repository


Get a copy of https://github.com/arch-linux-calamares ... g/PKGBUILD

Modify the url inside there so that it points to your own github repository.
Build the package, which generates a corresponding .zst file.

Copy this package into https://github.com/arch-linux-calamares ... epo/x86_64
Run update_repo.sh

Then read https://github.com/arch-linux-calamares ... acman.conf
#you can create packages and put them on your local repo
#the folder should be on your homedirectory with the name alci_local_repo
#see uploaded example -there is a copy of the local repo in your folder
#Copy/paste it to your homefolder
#update the packages database
#Change the name erik to your own username

#Your local repository
#SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
#Server = file:///home/erik/$repo/$arch
Update the pacman.conf file to include your local repo.
Comment out grub package.
Then run the installation script.
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You are an angel and you have too much time on your hands @fennec
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