Been a while ... I have some software suggestions for you. I've been running Compfy on one of my installations, and after a bit of tweaking and working through an issue I never nailed down causing display artifacts, I've replaced Jonaburg's Picom on my i3/Polybar installation, and eventually on my Bumblebee-status installation. I'm in i3 99% of the time now.
Warpinator is a gem from the Mint people. My dynamic IP makes configuring Filezilla a waste of my energy. Got it working once, only. Should have taken notes, thus recommending Indicator-Stickynotes in passing.
Flashfocus does what it's name implies. Can be subtle or the opposite. Functional eye-candy. Best of both worlds.
As a photo buff and tinkerer, G'mic is indispensable. I've made hundreds of wallpapers. It's addictive, and that's cool. Also very handy, Converseen, a batch converter. I've made hundreds of themes for Lxappearance and Rofi in particular, and other supported apps using Themix and it's no less indispensable to me than G'mic.
My gitlab, should you chose to include it as an interesting project.
[INFO] Apps to consider adding to ISOs
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