[SOLVED] Can't change icon theme on HyprLand

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Hello guys,
I'm running ArcoLinux HyprLand edition and I'm not able to change icon-theme, using LXAppearance, from ArcoLinux Candy Beauty to something else.

Well, I can choose the icon theme, but it doesn't apply to Thunar.
Theme Style works, fonts too and everything else .... except for icons...
I tried to edit any Thunar config files, but without clue.

Is there a way to avoid the super coloured icons?
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On any other desktop we use different tools


Code: Select all

sudo pacman -S lxapp
and then press twice on TAB

if bash-completion is installed you see there are other lxappearance apps to test out

thunar is xfce - so .config/xfce4 folder will contain your settings go type them in manually

but this is NOT a normal desktop - this is Wayland... keep reading
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Now remember you are on Hyprland so nothing is simple

Lxappearance-gtk3 crashes on Wayland.
Lxappearance works but does not change the icon theme in Thunar.

The other packages will bring in Openbox and we do not want that. Mixing X11 and Wayland is a no-go anyway.

Remember Lxappearance was NEVER developed for Hyprland but for Lxde.

So I guess you better go change it where all icons are set aka in a file.

Then we switch to Sherlock Holmes mode and find where the code is.

go to ~/.config and open a terminal there
and type

Code: Select all

rg candy
it will show where the icons are set

in a hyprland file

Pretty sure things like that are covered
See the playlist

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Posts: 9
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Thank you!! Found it in $HOME/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
I didn't know this "rg" command, very useful.
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