[SOLVED] Issues with Plasma Settings

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I downloaded and installed the arcolinuxl-v23.04.03-x86_64.iso yesterday alongside Arch, Garuda, and XeroLinux which were all just recently installed from there March releases. They all look good and are behaving as expected. Arco on the other hand is not. When I landed on the desktop I noticed that the top bar on various windows were not themed, one item that should not have asked permission to perform did, when I set items to be opened with single click I still have to double click to open them, fonts will not change the default size or font even though system settings says I've changed them. I created a secondary admin user to see if the issues are just my user and the issues exist under that user as well. I'm at a complete loss as to what might be causing the issues. Any suggestions and or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Last edited by SevenOfNine on Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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If you want Plasma you download and install ArcoLinuxB Plasma

installing Plasma as part of Calamares is not the genuine experience - nor is it meant to be

if you choose this - you know your way around Arch and know the challenges of mixing desktops

it will conflict with xfce settings and any other desktop present
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Any other distro that uses a specific desktop for their live environment and offers other desktops in their Calamares installer only installs the desktop selected by the end user, not both desktops. I do not understand why you would choose to do something so basic as this differently. As for knowing not to mix desktops that I already knew. I just assumed that XFCE wouldn't be install since I chose Plasma.
Last edited by SevenOfNine on Fri Mar 31, 2023 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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You assumed wrong.

Now you know.

This is ArcoLinux not EndeavourOS.

Embrace the differences.
Learn, have fun and enjoy.
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That worked like a charm. Thanks for what's a easy fix.
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