[OPEN] After Spicing my arch my pkg mgrs are borked

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recruit crewman
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2022 12:04 am

Having followed the advice of counsel I have cobbled together an arch os and added some arco spices. However in doing so I have found may package manager situation intolerable. Pacman is now the only one functioning and only in the arco repos. Forgive me as I am out of gas and am in uncharted water.
Here is my sys info, pacman.conf and mirror list.

[media]<iframe src="" style="border:none;width:100%"></iframe>[/media]
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error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo' database (database already registered)
error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo_3party' database (database already registered)
error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo_xlarge' database (database already registered)
error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo' database (database already registered)
error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo_3party' database (database already registered)
error: could not register 'arcolinux_repo_xlarge' database (database already registered)
means that you have added it double to /etc/pacman.conf

delete the double lines
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